Title: Scott Harrison, MA, Registered Clinical Counsellor contact Scott for a free consultation
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Meet Scott

Scott Harrison, M.A., Registered Clinical Counsellor

I would like to take this opportunity to personally welcome you to my counselling practice!

Counselling is a deeply personal experience. A therapy relationship is one built on trust and trust is built over time as we gain knowledge and experience of another person.

These pages provide information about my Background and Qualifications, and some of the Core Ideas that guide my work. My hope is that this information will give you a small sense of who I am and how I practice counselling - a stepping stone to building trust.

The goal of my service is to assist you in your search for solutions, change, and growth.

Engaging in the process of personal or relational change takes significant courage!

It would be an honour to assist you in any way I can.

Most Sincerely,


Scott Harrison, MA, RCC